Jayne Ann Krentz

Jayne Ann Krentz, née Jayne Castle (born March 28, 1948, in Cobb, California, United States), is an American writer of romance novels. Krentz is the author of a string of ''New York Times'' bestsellers under seven different pseudonyms. Now, she only uses three names. Under her married name she writes contemporary romantic-suspense. She uses Amanda Quick for her novels of historical romantic-suspense. She uses her maiden name for futuristic/paranormal romantic-suspense writing.

Over 35 million copies of Krentz's novels are in print. With ''Sweet Starfire'', she created the futuristic romance subgenre, and further expanded the boundaries of the genre in 1996 with ''Amaryllis'', the first paranormal futuristic romantic suspense novel. She is an outspoken advocate for the romance genre and has been the recipient of the Susan Koppelman Award for Feminist Studies. Provided by Wikipedia
Showing 1 - 15 of 15 for search: 'Quick, Amanda, 1948-', query time: 0.04s
by Title Published Availability
Quick, Amanda, 1948- Dáma s minulostí / Amanda Quick ; přeložila: Daniela Čermáková 2023
Quick, Amanda, 1948- Dáma na útěku / Amanda Quick ; [přeložila: Daniela Čermáková] 2019
Quick, Amanda, 1948- Stíny minulosti / Amanda Quick ; přeložila Zdeňka Zvěřinová 2015
Quick, Quick, Amanda, 1948- Dlouhá noc / Amanda Quick ; přeložila Zdeňka Zvěřinová 2015
Quick, Amanda, 1948- Dívky, které zmizely / Amanda Quick ; [přeložila: Daniela Čermáková] 2017
Quick, Amanda, 1948- Galantní pomsta / Amanda Quick ; [přeložila Jolana Tůmová] 2004
Quick, Amanda, 1948- Zkrocený netvor / Amanda Quick ; [přeložila Jolana Tůmová] 2008
Quick, Amanda, 1948- Modrý drahokam / Amanda Quick ; [přeložila Eva Brožová] 2003
Quick, Amanda, 1948- O život / Amanda Quick ; [přeložila Dana Šimonová] 2009
Quick, Amanda, 1948- Až na popel / Amanda Quick ; [překlad Daniela Čermáková] 2009
Quick, Amanda, 1948- Touha / Amanda Quick ; [přeložily Tereza Blažková, Eva Brožová] 2005
Quick, Amanda, 1948- Čekej do půlnoci / Amanda Quick ; [přeložila Věnceslava Lexová] 2005
Quick, Amanda, 1948- Svedený ďábel / Amanda Quick ; [přeložil Jan Nemejovský] 2004
Quick, Amanda, 1948- Poměr s Charlottou / Amanda Quick, Jayne Ann Krentz ; [z anglického originálu ... přeložila Věnceslava Lexová] 2005
Quick, Amanda, 1948- Klam lásky / Amanda Quick ; [přeložila Jana Pacnerová] 2009
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